Family: Vespertilionidae
Scientific name: Murina ussuriensis
Common name: Ussurian tube-nosed bat
IUCN status: Least Concern (LC)
MSJ Red list status: R
General morphology: Ears are short; the muzzle is tubular; the fur is very soft with a silky texture and glossy appearance; the general color of upper parts is golden rufous or light grayish brown; ears and membranes are brown (Yoshiyuki, 1989).
Diet: Diet under natural conditions has not been reported.
Habitat: Have been found in various structural objects, in tree cavities, in foliage, on the ground, under the leaf litter, in tree canopies, in a crevice in a root plate, under a branch, in abandoned mines and tunnels (Fukui et al., 2012).
Echolocation calls: Short and broadband FM; no clear peak frequency, FMaxE=69.8 kHz (Hokkaido population), FMaxE=61.9 kHz (Miyazaki Prefecture) (Funakoshi, 2010)
Yoshiyuki, M. (1989). A systematic study of the Japanese Chiroptera. 242pp. National Science Museum: Tokyo.
Funakoshi, K. (2010). Acoustic identification of thirteen insectivorous bat species from the Kyushu District, Japan. Mammalian Science, 50(2), 165-175.
Fukui, D., Hill, D. A., & Matsumura, S. (2012). Maternity roosts and behaviour of the Ussurian tube-nosed bat Murina ussuriensis. Acta Chiropterologica, 14(1), 93-104.